There are two ways you can send us your saddle fitting information so we can choose your tree: using the EQUIMeasure Mold which you can order on the internet, sending us a set of specific back tracings, photos and videos, or in person.
To do a set of specific back tracings requires a few simple things: a felt marker, a few file folders or cardboard, a flex ruler or 18" of Romax wire, and a helper. You mail me the tracings and email me photos and videos.
Click below for downloadable instructions on doing a set of tracings of your animals back.
The EQUIMeasure Mold is purchased from the web and includes a video on how to use their product. I suggest you watch the video several times before starting. It does require an oven within close proximity to where your animal will be standing. When completed, mail me the cooled rigid 3d mold. Note: you have three tries per kit. Be sure your mold is thoroughly cooled down and try it on a few times before you send it to make sure it has not changed. You'll mail me the mold and email photos and videos.
Make an appointment with us! Give us a call!
336-267-0276 EST
Link below for our EQUIMapping Client Form
© 2021-2025 Double Diamond Equine