Saddle Extras
- Suspended, padded, hard seat with or without padded inlay – all models
- Deep trail seat or flatter rise – all models except Buena Vista
- Seat leather smooth or suede
- Firm or soft foam
- Roll over with brads at the back (standard on Endurance and Trail Western, Buena Vista but can be upgraded)
- Cheyenne Roll narrow or wide, Pencil Roll
- 3”, 4”, 5” height – except Buena Vista
- A Fork WADE
- A Fork Old Timer
- Woodard Reining Fork
- Endurance Pommel: low, medium, tall
- Aussi
- Western: round or square, single or double
- Endurance: round single or double
- Barrel: round, square, angled single or double
- Aussi: round or square, single or double
- Shapes of Fenders: Traditional wide western, narrow trail, curvy endurance, padded knee roll fender, Woodard (slopes back) and Old Timer historic teardrop
- Build of Fenders: biothane backed leather trail fender with 3 position adjustment, all leather pretwisted in all shapes mentioned, Enduro (leather sleeve over biothane leathers, the most kind to the body)
HORNS – Western models and Buena Vista only:
- Wood post only available on certain forks
- Barrel, trail, pelican, post, all around
- Fenders upgrade: exposed leather, padded knee roll, pre-twisted all leather
- Border tooling and hand carving: see tooling and carving page or custom designed. Basket weave or waffle fill in for large areas such as skirting, fork, fender etc., letters, dates, numbers, names etc.
- Metal spots in two sizes
- Buckstitching
- Overlay leather
- Upgrade stirrups: Monel, Nettles, leather covered, hooded, tapederos
- Shearling underside
- Pre-twisted all leather fenders on Endurance or Western Trail
- Soft leather Velcro-on tubes over leathers
- Stirrup turners
- Stirrup side décor
- Rope strap
- Saddle Leather: sanded, rough out, full or partial
- Rawhide edge horn cap or cantle binding
- Padded seat jocky all models except Bella, Buena Vista, or Plantation Endurance
- Nightlatch
- Antique treatment on tooling (darker dye applied then rubbed off)
- Hoof pick on rear cinch
- Dyed or hand painted on tooling
- Mule/Donkey larger hardware or extra hardware for trail riders
- Strength upgrade on tree and horn for roping, cutting, double fiberglass
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